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Node Js

Node.js is a platform for rapidly developing flexible and scalable network applications based on Chrome's JavaScript runtime. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I / O model that makes it lightweight and rugged for distributed devices running in a data-intensive real-time application.

Node.js is an open-source runtime environment for developing cross-platform, server-side, and networking applications. Applications for Node.js are written in JavaScript and can run on OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux within the Node.js runtime.

Node.js also contains a rich library of various JavaScript modules, which Node.js. Simplifies the creation of web applications that we use.

We use this technology to get experience a high degree of stability with nodes for mobile Apps React Native and Cordova plugins. Ecosystem JS Module. In comparison, Node. The Js runtime can be used in the background to run long-running tasks or other business logic without slowing down the app's UI.

Mongo DB

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for storing high volume data. Rather than using tables and rows in a traditional relational database, MongoDB uses archives and documents. Documents include key-value pairs that are the basic unit of data in MongoDB. The collection consists of a set of documents and functions that is equivalent to relational database tables. MongoDB is a database that came to light all around.

We use the MongoDB technique for document-oriented, ad hoc queries, indexing, replication, load balancing, file storage, aggregation. MongoDB is follow NoSQL concept. According to MongoDB documentation ‘MongoDB is an open-source document database that provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling.’


Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. Many smartphones and tablets use it. Examples include Sony Xperia, Samsung Galaxy, and Google Nexus One. The Android operating system (OS) is based on the Linux kernel. Unlike Apple's iOS, Android is an open-source, meaning developers can modify and customize the OS for each phone. Therefore, different Android-based phones often have other graphical user interfaces, even if they use the same OS. We use this technology because it is low investment and high ROI, easy to integrate, multiple sales channels, easy adoption. Enterprises are taking advantage of Android and creating custom mobile apps that solve customer problems and increase their business value.


iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. The operating system empowers many of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone and iPod Touch; This iPadOS, the derivative of iOS, powered the iPad until it was introduced in 2019. iOS is widely known for its user-intuitive interface. With iOS, you can easily download apps from the App Store, as the operating system runs flawlessly to keep the app running smoothly.

We use iOS because -Great consumer experience, available for Apple interface, access to a tech-savvy audience, high security, low fragmentation and easy testing, high ROI, benefit from Apple's Mark Market image, secure transactions.


This solution is a mixture, hence the name hybrid, of native and web solutions. The core of the application is written using web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), which are then encrypted within a native application. Through the use of plugins, these applications can have full access to the mobile device's features. The Hybrid Platform helps developers build mobile applications in a programming language for different platforms by writing code. These platforms convert the common code into a platform-specific component and provide the native experience at runtime.

We use hybrid because it provides many benefits in our hybrid app development process: Easier to maintain in the long run, shortest development time, Consistent UI across, and Low cost.


PHP is a language for server-side scripting. We use for creating static websites or interactive websites, or mobile apps. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, which previously stood for Personal Home Page. PHP scripts can be read-only on a server that has PHP enabled. It was initially created in 1994 by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf; the PHP group now produces PHP reference implementation.

It is an open-source, server-side scripting language we use this technology for developing web applications. PHP can be embedded into HTML and is well suited for web development and creating dynamic web pages for web applications, e-commerce applications, and database applications.


Laravel is a web application framework that has expressive, elegant syntax. It is an independent, open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell and intended to develop web applications based on model-view-controller architectural patterns and symphony. We believe that website development should be an enjoyable, creative experience to truly complete. Laravel tries to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions and caching.

We use Laravel because it offers many benefits and robust features to make static apps and websites faster. Furthermore, these software applications are incredibly easy to maintain and upgrade with a modular and extensible code that is convenient to understand for expert or amateur developers.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is "My," a combination of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and "SQL," an abbreviation for the structured query language. A relational database organizes data into one or more data tables in which data types can be related to each other; these relational help structure the data. SQL is the most common language used to add, view, and handle information in a database. It is most famous for its rapid processing, proven reliability, ease of use, and flexibility.

The top reasons we have for using this technology are scalability and flexibility, high performance, high availability, robust transaction support, web and data warehouse strength, full data protection, comprehensive application development, ease of management, open-source freedom and 24 x 7 support, the lowest total cost of ownership.

React Native

React Native is a JavaScript framework for writing real, native mobile rendering applications for iOS and Android. It is based on React, the JavaScript library for Facebook to create user interfaces; moreover, it targets browsers rather than targeting mobile platforms. In other words, with the convenience of a JavaScript library that we already know and love, web developers can now write smartphone applications that look and sound "native." Also, since you can share most of the code written between platforms, React native app development company makes it easy to develop concurrently for both Android and iOS.

We use this technology for mobile applications development. It provides a user interface that is slick and smooth, significantly reducing load time. Unlike building native, it is much faster and cheaper to build applications in React Native, without the need to compromise on quality and functionality.

React Js

React is an open-source, front-end, JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components (React.js or ReactJS). Facebook and a group of independent developers and enterprises are maintaining it. In single-page or mobile app development, React can be used as a base.

React is a library of JavaScript that specializes in helping developers builds user interfaces or UIs. The UI is a set of on-screen menus, search bars, icons, and everything else that connects anyone to use a website or app in relation to the website and mobile app.

We use react Native to design the apps' user interface. With shorter load times and a better user interface, the result is a more efficient and faster UI. Without an intricate design, this framework is perfect for designing simple applications.

React has two main features that contribute to its appeal to JavaScript developers in addition to reusable React library code (saving development time and reducing the possibility of coding errors):
• Virtual DOM


Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language intended to provide as a little dependency as possible in terms of execution. It is a general programming language designed for application developers to run once, everywhere, which means that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that require recombination to Java. Java usually compiled into bytecode, which can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM), regardless of the underlying computer architecture. Java's syntax is similar to C and C ++, but it has fewer features at a lower level than either of them. Java, with an estimated 9 million developers, was one of the most popular programming languages to use, according to GitHub as of 2019, specifically for client-server web applications.

Java is an object-oriented, cross-platform programming language published in 1995 by Sun Microsystems. Many devices, including computers, tablets, game consoles, Blu-ray players, vehicle navigation systems, medical tracking devices, parking meters, lottery terminals, and smartphones, we use Java to develop applications and platforms. It is also a significant networking language, particularly for data centers that store and transmit web-based data. It is also a major networking language, particularly for data centers that store and transmit web-based data. We use Java technology to run different applications, such as sports, social media programs, audio and video applications, etc.

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